- listings of jobs in Tennessee - hourly employment listings
JobCorps - technical on the job training
Pathways to USA Jobs - Federal Government job opportunities for students
Military Careers - information on how to apply for military service
Get My Future - Employment Help and Resources for Teens
Occupational Outlook Handbook - information on career outlooks in the future World Wide
Career Key - find your ideal career
East Tennessee Occupations - most in demand through 2026
Who am I? Personality Test - find out your personality to find your career fit
Ag Career Info
UT Ag Extension Education Programs - University of Tennessee regional agriculture programs
Ag Career Outlook - from the Occupational Outlook Handbook
US Forestry Youth Conservation/Pathways - Jobs/Internships for students with the National Forestry Service
USDA Pathways Careers - US Department of Agriculture career and internship opportunities
Plants Database from USDA
USDA Natural Conservation Plants
USDA Natural Conservation Wildlife
USDA Natural Conservation Insects & Pollinators
American Institute of Architecture for Students - student resources and activities
Center for Architecture Scholarships - scholarships for students pursuing architecture
Architecture Occupational Outlook
Engineering The Engineer's Ultimate Resource Tool - information about engineering careers, and games!
Engineering Occupational Outlook
Land Surveying
DIY Auto Repair Help - car maintenance, troubleshooting, & how-to tutorials (blocked at school) - subscription site for diagnostic & repair info
Auto Body - video on becoming and Auto Body Tech
Auto Body Occupational Outlook
Auto Mechanic - ways to become a certified auto mechanic
Education & Training or Human Services
Tennessee Department of Education
Engineering - The Engineer's Ultimate Resource Tool - information about engineering careers, and games!
Family & Consumer Sciences
BabyCenter 1st Year Cost Calculator - The cost of a raising baby in the 1st year, based on lifestyle choices
BabyCenter Cost of Raising a Child Calculator - Cost of housing, food, transportation, clothing, healthcare, childcare and education, and other expenses based on geographic area, family earnings and makeup, and future education expenses
Zero to Three - National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families
Criminal Justice Collection from TEL
360degrees - Timeline of Criminal Justice, links to data and resources
National Institute of Corrections Online Library
Criminal Justice Careers
ATF Careers
Customs & Border Patrol Careers
DEA Careers
FBI Careers
Secret Service Careers
MPD Employment
NYPD Careers
TBI Careers
U.S. Marshals Careers
Illegal Drug Information
DEA Drug Fact Sheets
NIDA - Drugs of Abuse
NIDA for Teens - the science behind drug abuse
Health and Wellness Resource Center from TEL - password is elvis
Nursing & Allied Health Collection from TEL
Medline Plus - Health Info from the National Library of Medicine
Mind the Gap - Black & Brown skin