Parent Info & Resources

Main Office - 423-586-2543
Main Office Fax - 423-585-3779
If you call the main office and all lines are busy, you will be transferred to our voicemail system. Please leave a message with your name and number, and your call will be returned as soon as possible.
Attendance Office - 423-587-5316
Attendance Office Fax - 423-585-3780 - Please use this number to fax in an excuse for an absence
Athletic Director - 423-586-2543 ext. 42210
School Counseling Office - 423-586-6102
School Counseling Office fax - 423-587-6714
Please see the Faculty & Staff page to contact all other teachers.
Occasionally a teacher, principal, or other staff member may need to contact you regarding your student. Please make sure we have your current telephone number and/or email address on file so we can get in touch with you! If a teacher calls you and does not get an answer, they should leave a message for you containing their name, a contact number, and a brief message. Please check for a message before calling the school back, as the Main Office may not be able to tell who called you.
Parent Portal
Keep track of your child's grades and attendance using Parent Portal.
Parent Portal login and password information can be picked up from the Main Office between 7:50AM and 3:30PM, Monday-Friday. You must present photo ID to pick up login information. This guarantees the security of your student's information.
Attendance Matters!
Regular attendance is essential for a student’s academic success. We encourage families to prioritize ensuring students are present for every class, every day, as consistent attendance supports learning and achievement. Being present helps students stay on track and avoid the challenges of catching up after missed lessons. It's easier to keep up than catch up!
Reporting Student AbsencesWe understand that occasional absences due to illness or other unavoidable circumstances may occur. To ensure accurate attendance records, please follow these guidelines:
Submitting Excuse Notes
- For full-day absences, a parent note or medical note must be submitted on the student’s first day back.
- All absences are initially marked unexcused until one of the following is received:
- A written note containing a phone number for verification, submitted to the Attendance Office.
- An email, from a parent, containing a phone number for verification, sent to Karen Coburn.
- Please DO NOT call the school to report an absence. Absences cannot be excused over the phone.
- Written notes or doctor’s excuses can be submitted to:
- Mrs. Vesser in the Main Office.
- Mrs. Coburn in the Freshman Academy Office.
- Notes and excuses may also be faxed to the Attendance Office at 423-585-3780.
Please review the MHHSE Student Handbook for guidance on reporting absences and to view the full attendance policy.
Tardy Policy
Punctuality is crucial for academic success and maintaining a smooth school day. Please review the following guidelines regarding tardiness and early dismissals:
Arriving Late to School- Students arriving after 8:00 AM must sign in at the Main Office.
- A parent note with a phone number for verification or a doctor’s excuse is required to excuse a tardy.
- To leave early, students must bring a parent note with a phone number for verification to Mrs. Davenport at the Security Desk or Mrs. Vesser in the Main Office by 8:15 AM or a parent must come in to sign out the student.
- Call-ins are not accepted for early dismissals.
- Medical notes for early sign-outs must be submitted the following school day.
- A student is considered TARDY if they arrive between 8:00 AM and 8:13 AM.
- If a student signs in after 8:13 AM, they are counted ABSENT for the first-period class.
- To be counted as present for any period, a student must attend at least 61 minutes of the class.
- Students signed out before 2:47 PM are counted ABSENT for the 4th period.
Attendance Points
Students in all classes have the opportunity to earn 2 additional attendance points each nine weeks, which will be added to their final average for that grading period. To qualify, students must meet the following criteria:
- Be passing the class.
- Have no more than 2 excused absences.
- Have no unexcused tardies.
- Have no Alternative Learning Program (ALP) placements.
- Have no out-of-school suspensions.
- Have no alternative school placements during the nine weeks.
Making up missed work
Students are responsible for completing all missed assignments, regardless of whether an absence is excused or unexcused. To assist in staying on track, please follow these steps:- Use the PowerSchool Parent Portal to check for missing assignments and communicate with teachers.
- If you do not have a Parent Portal login, you can request one from Ms. Bare in the Main Office.
- Email teachers directly using the Faculty & Staff List, where you can find links to their email addresses.
- If additional help is needed to obtain homework, parents may contact Ms. Vesser at 423-586-2543 ext. 42005.