We will ALWAYS support your right to read & access information!
Need MORE MoEast Library?

Remember, you can send a message to any of our social media accounts or email us to ask a question or to renew, reserve, or request a book!

Need EVEN MORE Library?
Check Out Morristown-Hamblen Public Library
Public Library E-Card Sign Up!
Tarjeta electrónica de la biblioteca pública ¡Inscríbase!
Kanopy - thousands of movies with your Public Library E-Card
Want to help us put more books in the hands of students?
Email Mrs. Collins collinsj16@hcboe.net for info on donating books or funds to MHHSE Library
Let us know what you are reading!
Post your reads on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter #canesread
Share what you are reading!
Our Vision
We strive to provide students with high quality materials that reflect and represent a wide variety of perspectives and experiences. These materials should be interesting, educational, and engaging to our students.
We aim to foster a schoolwide culture of literacy in which students read across the curriculum for information and enrichment.
We endeavor to empower students as lifelong learners capable of effectively locating credible information in both print and electronic formats.